miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

Bike water pump project

Bike water pump project

Definition and Use;

-The bike pump is appropriate technology which consists of a device to pump small flowa by means of action cranic with a minimun os effort, as cycle a bicycle and a base with posts to mount the bike at a height and give yourself the rozamiento between the wheel and the pump pulley. 
To revolutionize the rotor and carry out the pumping, only pedaling of one is required person. With this device you can pump water from the cistern, to the water use point, such as the laundry, the housing tinaco an orchard other family.

Resultado de imagen para fotos de bici bombaMaterials
-Manguera de 1  de diámetro
-Abrazadera sin fin 1
-Pichincha de 1
-Estructura de soporte
-Conectores de PVC para manguera de cuerda exterior de 1
-Conectores de de PVC para manguera de cuerda interior de 1
Resultado de imagen para fotos de bici bomba
-Diablos para bicicleta.


Throughout the world it is recognized that the challenge for the coming years will be the problem of water, both in quantity and quality. For millions of inhabitants the lack of water and sanitation, mainly in the population that lives in conditions of poverty, causes a low level of hygiene and a high level of water-related diseases, causing 60% of infant mortality is related to infectious and parasitic diseases, chronic malnutrition is also related to the lack of these serices.Resultado de imagen para escasez de agua 

Pump installation
Resultado de imagen para bicibomba1)Mount the pump to the base and  the suction and discharge hoses to the pump.
2)Connect the pichancha to the hose.             
3)Place the devils on the rear tire of the bicycle and place it on the posts of the structure.
Resultado de imagen para bicibomba

4)Adjust the friction between the pump pulley to the bicycle wheel.

5) Fill the suction hose with water and start pedaling at a normal speed.

Imagen relacionada

 Cómo s